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Figures were first released in Japanese yen and converted to US dollars using Bank of Japan average inter-bank rates for the applicable period. For after end of 2014, figures reflect the annual revision, therefore, some of them may differ from those of previous release. 2. Because the BOP related statistics have revised, there is no strict continualy in the data before 2013 and after 2014. 3. Figures (as of year end) for Belgium and Luxembourg were included through to 2000; from 2001 onward they were released separately. 4. OECD member countries include the EU15, Australia, Canada, Iceland, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, U.S.A, Mexico, Czech Republic, Hungary, Korea, Poland and Slovak Republic (29 countries in total); figures as of the end of 1996 and 1997 do not include Korea and Poland (26 countries in total). Slovak Republic is included from the end of 2007. 5. ASEAN includes Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Viet Nam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia (10 countries in total), except for the figures as of the end of 1998, which does not include Cambodia (9 countries in total), and the figures as of the end of 1996 and 1997, which do not include Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia (7 countries in total). 6. EU indicates EU15 until the end of 2003, EU25 between the end of 2004-2006, EU27 between the end of 2007-2012, EU28 betweem the end of 2013-2019, and EU27 from the end of 2020. 7. Europe includes Western Europe and Eastern Europe, Russia, etc. 8. For end of 2011, only figures of "World" are revised by the notice of correction, released in Dec.10, 2012. The figures of country breakdown data are not revised.  5 end of 21 5 end of 22 5.*Copyright (C) 2024 JETRO. 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