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Generally, Software are protected by copyright law and most Software used in companies are licensed. If there is a violation of the copyright of other persons by using Software illegally, both the violating employee and the Company may have to be jointly liable. Since the illegal use of Software exposes the Company to business and legal risks the Software Policy is intended to help protect the Company from such risks as it seeks to ensure respect for the rights of the copyright owners of these Software by prohibiting acts which would violate such copyright. Besides, the Company also seeks to properly manage the use of Software within the Company. Each and every employee must know and understand this Software Policy and cooperate to ensure strict compliance. An employee who acts against this policy may be punished by the Company. 2011t^1g26e000000O(uGR,{1 ag 000000000000k0_c0f0,gGR0[000>yTL0,gGRk0USW0_04XT0]0n0>yTo00000000U000S0h0L0B000,{2 ag,gGRg0 0miR0000000h0o00O>yL0eQ~0_0o0000000eQKbY00S0h0k000O(u)j0 gY00000000000000g0B0c0f00>yTL0miRvvg0O(uY00S0h00O>yL00_00n00F00,gGRg0 0>yT0h0o00S_>yn0y_T0ck>yT0QY}>yT0+T00S_>yn0000000J00s0miR000000n0O(u01U00_00D0F00,{3ag>ywo0 0000000{tN0J00s0 0000000{tbS_00N}TY000000000{tNo0000000{tbS_k0iRk0c:yW00O>yhQSOn0miR0000000TlK0d0iRk0{tY00S0h00,{4agD0K0j004XTg00000000n0eQ~0_0o000000n0S_o0_Z0000000{tNn0bn0 Nk0000000{tbS_0X0f0LF0S0h00>yTTk000vcn0000000n0eQ~0_0o000000n0S_0ybkY000s gn0miR000000NYg0B0c0f0miRBLn0_00_~0_0o0miRRs0T NY00_00k0 gvh0`000000000k0d0D0f0o00>yTL0\eQ3uˊ0cQY00S0h00\eQ3uˊo00000000{tNn0bzl[k0We0M0000000{tbS_n0c:yn0 Nk0\eQY000,{5 ag0>yTo0miR000000NYn00000000miRvvg0O(uY00S0h0o0g0M0j0D00>yTk000miR000000n0O(uk0W0f00>yTo0000000{tNJ00s0000000{tbS_n0c:yk0_F0S0h00,{6 agmiR000000n0000000J00s000000000o00000000{tbS_n00L0LF0S0h00FOW00000000{tNL00_04XTk0P00>yT~0_0o0Yn0,{ NL0000000~0_0o000000000n0miR0000000{tbS_k0N0c0f0LF0S0h0L0g0M000O>yL0O gY00000000k0o00miR000000NYn0000000o0000000W0j0D0S0h00,{7 ag>yTNYn0,{ Nk0miR0000000N~0_0o0O(uU0[00S0h00ybkY000>yTL0,{ NK00000000n0Nck0000eQKb~0_0o0N0SQ00S0h00ybkY000,{8 ag,gGRk0[U00f0D0j0D0]0n0N000000n0O(uk0d0D0f0o00>yTTn0Nh0Rk0J0D0f000000000000k0SU0j0D00F0g'YPn0RR0Y00S0h00,{9 ag>yTo00ꁉ0n0O(uY00000000~0_0o0Nn0>yTn0000000k0,gGRk0SY00rKa0zvW0_04XT0~0_0o0Nn0>yTn0Lpk0,gGRk0SY00Lp0zvW0_04XT00K0k0000000{tNk01XJT0Y00S0h00,{10 ag000000{tbS_J00s0000000{tNo00,gGRL0ickk0K(uU00f0D00S0h00xY00_00k00O>yL0O gY00000000k0[W0000000n0g0LF00>yTo0gk0TSRY00S0h00N N}fyo0 0000000000000tJ00s0 \͑W00 0000000O(uGR00u[Y00S0h00S0S0k0}W0~0Y00Signature _____________Block letter _____________2009t^ g e January 26, 2011Software Usage RegulationsArticle 1 This regulation ( Regulation ) was made under the  Software Policy. In case any Employee breaches this Regulation, said Employee may be subject to penalty.Article 2 In this Regulation Business Software means computer software which our company (Company) has the right to use either by purchasing or obtaining licensee and Company has authorized its Employee to use it for business purpose. Employee in this Regulation means any officer, regular employee and contract employee whom Company has authorized to use its computers and Business Software. Article 3 Managing director of Company may appoint Software Manager and Software Supervisor(s). Software Manager has authority to properly command the Software Supervisor in order to manage Business Software throughout Company lawfully and properly. Article 4 All purchases, introduction, and installation of Business Software, must be approved and done by the Software Supervisor subject to prior written authorization of the Software Manager. No Employee is allowed to personally purchase Business Software or install/use any computer software, even if it is a licensed/legitimate software, without going through this prescribed procedure. In case an Employee finds it necessary to introduce a computer software other than those previously authorized for working purpose or such other computer software is more helpful to the business, the Employee must file a request to procure and install said computer software. The request is subject to the approval of the Software Manager, upon the recommendation or endorsement of the Software Supervisor. It is only upon such approval that a computer software qualifies as a Business Software, as defined in this Regulations.Article 5Employee must not use software other than Business Software for his or her work.In using Business Software, Employee must comply with the instructions of the Software Supervisor and Software Manager.Article 6Installation and uninstallation of Business Software are under the exclusive control of the Software Supervisor, except when the$(6 : < |DEy]yoyoyhy`TPPPPP`P`Ph{h{5>*CJ\aJh{nHtHh{CJo(h{CJnHtHh{CJnHo(tHh{6CJ$aJ$nHo(tH5jh{CJ$OJPJQJUaJ$mHnHo(tHu%h{CJ OJPJQJaJ nHo(tH%h{CJ$OJPJQJaJ$nHo(tH%h{CJ,OJPJQJaJ,nHo(tHh{OJPJQJnHo(tHh{nHo(tH$&(hj6 8 : > @ B D F H J L N P ` b $WD`a$$a$$a$b   &|GI$a$$a$d$da$$da$$a$$a$]^$8468"bl .04<BX\xz뷯 h{aJh{5\aJnHo(tHh{5\aJh{CJaJh{CJaJnHo(tH h{o(h{CJnHtHh{CJnHo(tHh{CJ aJ nHo(tHh{nHo(tHh{h{nHtH5 "$&(*,.0248NPfhr.08$a$$a$$a$,"l`bl8 $ & F 1$a$ $ & F 1$a$ $ & F1$a$ $ & F1$a$8:F  Bxz$a$$a$$a$EFjrt34  " # a d e f !! !!!@!J!R![!m!p!t!!!!!!""""""""""W#X#$$$$$$$$$%%%%%%h{aJnHtHh{h{nHo(tH h{aJh{aJnHo(tHUijt !!!"$$$$u%v%%<<<<$ & Fa$$ & Fa$ $ & F 0`0a$ $ & F 0`0a$ $ & F 0`0a$$a$$a$%3%7%v%~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&< < <<!<h<r<<<<<<<<<<<<<==(=/=D=E=M=N=y==Y?a?c?t??@@@@@@@@@8A9AAACAFAGAaAbAcAdAgAhAAAAAA BB&B'Bh{aJo(Uh{aJnHtHh{h{nHo(tHh{aJnHo(tH h{aJR Software Manager authorizes an Employee or outsider, instead of the Software Supervisor, to install or uninstall the Business Software.Installation of computer software other than Business Software in Companys computer is prohibited. Article 7No person other than an Employee is allowed to borrow or use the Companys Business Software.Employee must not rent out to nor introduce illegal software to the Companys computers from other persons. Release or disclosure of the passwords, usernames, product numbers, license numbers, or similar authorization keys to any person that would allow such person to use any of the Business Software of the Company outside of the premises of the Company, other than exclusively for Company purposes, without legitimate reason and the prior written consent from the Software Manager, is strictly prohibited. Article 8 An Employee using computer software other than within the strict parameters prescribed in this Regulation shall be solely responsible for all its adverse consequences and shall have the burden of proving that such use does not violate the terms of this Regulation or is otherwise justified.Article 9 An Employee who finds anything in his office computer or other computer in the office which is against this regulation or becomes aware of an act of another Employee which is against this regulation, the Employee must notify the Software Manager in writing without delay.Article 10 The Software Manager and Software Supervisor will from time to time inspect the Business Software used in Companys computers in order to properly implement this Regulation. For the purpose, Employee must extend to them his full co-operation.Acknowledgment I fully understand and accept the Software Policy and will comply with the Software Usage Regulation strictly.Signature ___________________ Name In Block Letters _______________D__ M__ Y_____ PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1,gQP[k0c U000>yQ{tefOo00B0O0~0g0NOh0W0f0 Y000n0g0B000>yQg0n0[n0[_rlI{k00c0f00g_U000lvj0Rgo0 YSY00S0h0L0H000~0Y00,gQP[n0Q[o00000000000000wv#u)jL0S_0Wl_NR@bh0TSpW0}~W0_0`1Xg0B000gB}vj0`1X)R(un0c&To0_>yn0$Rek000~0Y00,g`1X)R(uk00c0f0uX0_0P}gk0d0D0f00NN0_>yL0vc0ck000Z0N)Rv00NKaL0uX0_0h0W0f0000000o0NRN0D0~0[000j0J00,gNk0O0vNJo0BfSQ0NQ0f0J00~0Y00<W==X?Y?c?@@@AAABBBBBB7C8C9C:C;C|CC$a$$a$$a$$ & Fa$$ & Fa$'BOBYBBBBC CXC|CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDEEEƾ⾬❌!h{OJPJQJaJnHo(tHh{OJPJQJnHo(tHhAhAmHnHsHuhAjh{Uh{nHo(tHh{CJ aJ nHtHh{>*aJh{h{5\aJh{aJnHo(tH h{aJ)CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC$a$]CDEEEEEEE]WDd`2 001h. 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