Innovate To Thrive ( part 슬롯 카지노 8) …Idea Management
Feed the beast. Pack the pipeline. Ideation, or Idea management processes/system LTD (long-term development) is essential to the Innovation effort. This is where the future’s – wild ideas come from and 슬롯 카지노 should be harnessed by a process with dedicated resources and with NPD and LTD teams working together.
Bear in mind that the funnel needs to be filled to feed 슬롯 카지노, but leadership – the CEO – needs to also consider separate Long Term Development efforts. LTD has its own, discrete R&D, testing and retesting, before concepts are winnowed down to viable 슬롯 카지노 concepts that, then, make their way to the end of the funnel, as noted in the Stage Gate model shown earlier.
Ideation sessions. The very term makes some executives roll their eyes derisively – as 슬롯 카지노 makes others chomp at the bit, in anticipation of the next session. The naysayers picture a room full of silliness, with flip chart paper taped over the walls and windows, and staffers playing with crayons and children’s toys. The proponents of the ideation session, frankly, see pretty much the same thing. That’s what 슬롯 카지노 frequently looks like. Frequent, intelligently facilitated ideation sessions lead to successful new products. 슬롯 카지노’s all about batting averages – a small percentage of concepts make 슬롯 카지노 through the process. But what a payoff!
To get started, let’s talk first in more general terms and then drill down to ideation session specifics. In addition to your team, 슬롯 카지노’s also valuable to include customers and/or sales members in your monthly or – at the very least – bi-annual ideation sessions. Customers, some claim, provide golden insights for the 슬롯 카지노/LTD teams. I’m of mixed mind about combining your people with your customer and their people at the same meeting (슬롯 카지노 is discussed further in Chapter 8 in Robert’s Rules of Innovation); for now suffice to say that 슬롯 카지노 practice can be inhibiting for your people, but I know for a fact that there are many who disagree with me.
Salespeople also have remarkable abilities to discuss marketplace nuances and what-if scenarios. Even if some of them can’t stop talking for even a minute. (Of course, I jest, you sales folks out there.)
For ideation sessions, think about brainstorming – in addition to products and features – processes or technical changes. Be sure to include customer service, engineering, production and other departments, in addition to your brainstorming session usual suspects. Again, new perspectives are an asset to the process. 슬롯 카지노’s always a shame when certain departments are considered not very creative and are excluded from ideation sessions. After all, in the final analysis, we’re all consumers. 슬롯 카지노’s all about the interplay between the extroverts and the quieter types, in a variety of environments, with the right kind of facilitator who artfully opens the discussion and allows freedom for everyone to speak, without fear of ridicule, condemnation, or worse. And think of the negativity you’ve heard over the years at ideation sessions. Do any of these sound familiar?
That will never work! We tried that years ago; 슬롯 카지노 was a disaster! There’s no way that can be built! We don’t have budget for THAT! At your ideation sessions, remember: there are no bad ideas. All concepts are written on the flip charts, white boards, etc. and filed, prioritized, validated, for future reference and/or use in combination with other ideation session results.
What of the balance between NPD and LTD efforts? Many small companies grapple with 슬롯 카지노 and mix NPD and LTD teams. To be blunt, I do not advocate 슬롯 카지노, although I do believe that resources should be mixed in NPD teams. But without dedicated LTD resources, staff tends to get buried in NPD activity, in my experience, without the needed perspectives on long-term development ideas and reality checks on manufacturability.
Getting back to ideation sessions, we’ve all seen incredibly lively groups and groups that are just flat dead. There are so many variables to ideation outcomes, as you are dealing with people who have real lives, with problems, distractions and day jobs that need attention. 슬롯 카지노’s important to encourage initial creative play but to not over-plan and over-prop the session. The magic frequently comes from the facilitator’s people skills.
A diverse group at the 슬롯 카지노 session is ideal. Diversity provides the social tension needed for a quality outcome. Also, be aware of the time of the day.
First thing on Monday morning – no way. Also not the most productive are late on Friday afternoon, or right after lunch, when energy levels drop. Make sure your team has at least some connection to the product, has either used 슬롯 카지노, or sold 슬롯 카지노, or assembled 슬롯 카지노. This is especially important for the facilitator of the session.
Here are additional tips for facilitators:
-Stack the Deck: prior to the session, ask each group member to write down a self-description in only five or six words. 슬롯 카지노 gives the facilitator insight into the participants and helps him or her stack the deck a little to insure superior results;
-Break up Teams: select people who may know each other but are not that friendly with each other, in order to minimize group-think;
-Vary the Format: predictable times, formats, rooms, can deaden ideation sessions – mix 슬롯 카지노 up to keep people out of their comfort zones –
try one at a customer’s office;
– 슬롯 카지노’s All Good: always accept every idea and get 슬롯 카지노 written on the board; keep every scrap of paper for future reference so we can live in the
슬롯 카지노 moment, well after the session has ended;
-Info Alchemy: build a database of ideas, from which 슬롯 카지노 combinations and solutions can be derived. One plus one plus one can equal 1,000,
-Keep 슬롯 카지노 Simple: Ideation sessions can be complex, or they can be simple – both types can be effective.
The key is for Innovation Champions to regularly remind the team: Stay open to 슬롯 카지노 ideas, read the relevant blogs, capture consumer insights – the showstoppers can come from anywhere.
Category : Innovation
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